Monday, September 29, 2008


Incredibly, I went out this evening to begin my watering routine, and as I crouched down low to inspect my lovely mud, lo, but what did my eyes behold? Small wisps of green straining their little thin heads out to meet sun! Only, there was no sun to behold because of the rain clouds overhead (which, incidentally, having dumped torrents tonight, very well may have washed my little grasslings away into the netherworld.) More to come tomorrow...


the man said...

that's kinda pathetic... but it's what I expect when we're talking about Clarence's stuff. hehe

Annette Bailey said...

Pathetic? Those little seedlings are the leaders of the United Grasslings of New Tang Willage. Watch what you say, you will find yourself outnumbered, and you know how scary a mob can be...

nana and atom said...

yay for new grass...lings. i guess soon you'll have a flock. fantastical!

the man said...

The UGNTW will fail! The Independent Republic of Tang Weed Whackers will prevail!

Michelle said...

This must be one of those "you had to be there in person" to understand he magnitude of this little snapshot of your grasslings growing...because as excited as I am about your little grass-es (and who wouldn't understand more than us who just seeded our lawn successfully this past spring), they remind me of EVERYTHING that I just weeded out of the Barker parents' yard all day today!

Congrats. I hope the Willage populates the boundaries of the nation...much to the man's shagrin