Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hurrah for the Bike Tutor!

So, in an effort to get both Lilly and I actually riding on a bike and not just being towed in a trailer, mom and dad went ahead and bought a crossbar-mounted gizmo for us to sit in (no, not at the same time, you silly!) -- what a brilliant invention! This thing is imported from England (= $$$) but, given that dad's searches yielded nothing comparable Stateside, they took the plunge, and I, for one, definitely have no regrets. Even Lilly, who's normally a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to bikes, loves it! It's so fun sitting up front with the wind in my face, high enough to watch the world pass me by, able to turn and look at my dad if I want -- it sure beats sitting 6 inches from the ground staring at his butt and breathing fong-pei! (j/k) 

Here in Michigan, winter is definitely coming on, but with the chillier air has come some gorgeous fall colors. Last Sunday morning, dad took us on a walk around the block, and we got to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage. The street we live on isn't much to speak of, being kind of a main road and all, but turn the corner and take a few steps into the neighborhood and this is what greets you:

Luckily, we weren't in a rush, so we got to spend plenty of time finding and picking the most colorful leaves and berries to bring home to mom.

But it wasn't until we got to last corner before heading home that we found what we'd been looking for the whole time -- a friendly neighbor who had raked all the leaves into neat piles on the side of the street, perfect for jumping in! Too bad dad didn't think I was old enough to go on the street -- but Ethan and Isaac sure looked like they had fun in all those leaves!


the man said...

cool bike gadget thingy... how much did you spend? :)

andrew said...

Yeah, how much was it? I'd be actually pretty interested. We've long considered getting the Chariot, but it's so pricey! Got a website I can look at?