Monday, November 17, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

After a two week absence, we finally made it home late last night, and I gladly echo Ethan's thoughts just before turning in for bed tonight, "Dad, I'm glad we're home."

When dad called me to tell me about mom, at 5:02 p.m. two weeks ago to the day, I was sitting at our computer having just finished stitching together shots I'd taken moments earlier into a panoramic photo of our backyard. Then, as you can imagine, after dad's news I never quite got back to posting backyard photos that evening, and the next morning found me in the Detroit airport in the company of my dad, awaiting a flight to Minneapolis.

Now I'm back, and to pick up where I left off, this series of photos should hopefully satiate the curiosity of the few choice people who have asked what happened to our backyard moonscape. The last shot I posted was Oct. 2, which I reiterate here for continuity's sake, followed by Oct. 19 and Nov. 3. I don't have a photo from today, but it looks much different than Nov. 3, as we arrived home last night to find a blanket of snow covering our yard!

Oct. 2, 2008

Oct. 19, 2008

Nov. 3, 2008
(check out the fence I built!)


andrew said...

Nice! Keeping up those "Classic" skills eh? What about the bare patch on the left and under the bush? Is grass supposed to be growing there?

#15 said...

Nope, those are meant to be garden beds, as is the undulating bare patch along the back fence -- very observant, brother!

andrew said...

Ah yes, because the bare earth is so very subtle against the green grass...very hard to spot indeed! ;)

nana and atom said...

lovely! the yard looked great when i was there! good work!

Michelle said...

...and here is the lushness through the desert! Hooray for this! ...I love the clean and fresh smelling scent of new fence wood too...ah, I can scratch and sniff the screen already!